My exschool mate was legally married yesterday. I met up wit the crazy wacky couple, nana and sham. Thanks to the father, who drove me up to yew tee. And guess what, he thought that the wedding was at yew tee and reason he drove me up was simply because he thought he could get the taste of nasi minyak. -_- " -_-". See.
How thoughtful.
Well anyway, Sham kept teasing me about me sleeping with my mouth open.
What the blair. ok internal joke. I can't even remember about it. It was like eons ago. And he teased me about my sunglass. Yes the big one. "Ape takde lagi besar kepe" Why you!
We went off first from b.batok without radiah and her boyfriend. Yes, yesterday i was the lamp post. But it was ok lah, i never felt left out at all. Nana and Syam entertained me too much. Just too much!
But of course the highlight of yesterday was Nisha's wedding. The moment i saw her on bridal dais, i was lost for word. Truly, my hand was shaking when nana and i went up the daid to shake hand with her. I did'nt know if it was ok to kiss her cheeks (our tradition, when we meet up with friends). So i did'nt though i wanted too. The funny scene was, the three of reached there, we din't know what to do first and next.
*serve us right for not attending weddings with our parents before* Sitting down on the table, i just kept admiring the new bride. I nearly teared ok thinking the fact that my friend now belongs to the husband.
Radiah and boyfriend came later. Ah, that moment was awkward because that was when i felt abit like a lamp- post. That was when nana nudge me at this chinese guy who was sitting with us. She joked that Nisha knew i would come without a partner thus she hook me up with the chinese guy. ptffffffff. Turns out the guy to be Nisha's sec sch teacher. It was hilarious because i role play to talk to him, usher him to eat and only to find out that he's married. Double ptffffffff.
Selamat pengantin baru nisha. Malam pertama jgn malu2 share ngan aku hokay. Ho Ho ho. I wish you all the best, i tumpang gembira that you are finally married to the ONE.
The wacky couple and i decided to hang out at coffee bean before we headed home. Took dozens of pictures, laughing out loud to the jokes we made. Just fun to end the day. Sweet. We brought mudpie, caremal and mocha.
Even sweeter, nana suggested to go out again next Sunday to Sentosa. Aku so cannot wait ok. Just fun going out with the both of them.