I initially have no intention of blogging at all today as i am too tired,but after watching usik usik chef wan, i would like to share two cents worth of my personal thought. Chef wan touched about single parenting today. I automatically thought of my family. Questions running thru my mind. Lots of what ifs and how ifs. What if one of my parents died?How would i go on living? and ect. I could'nt bring myself to think of it. My mum has cancer, and to be honest with you, i'm scared. Yes,yours truly is afraid. Afraid to hear and face the brutal truth. I imagine my self pain stalkingly taking over my mother's position of being a mother to my siblings, which i can never ever take over her place. My mind is numb now. I would'nt want to lose my mum now. Now now..... I'm sorry, i can't bring myself to blog more. My fingers are shivering while typing.
Today i'm trying something not-so new. Wish me good luck!!
Reaching there,she wanted to go to the money changer. I suggested her to go near Sheng Siong. Ehhh, dier taknak. Want to know what she said "taknak lah kak, kite gi kat atas siket. Lebih 20posen." FREAKING 20cents more i tell you. SANGGOPPPPPPPP!! geram aje, naseb aku sayang nenek aku nieh.

I am finally like at home. And it was one rushing day i tell you! After i submit my first post, i received a call my dearie dearie nenek. Nenek called asking me to accompany her to Sheng Siong since today is her last day here. She will balek kampong tomorrow. As yu guys can see from the first post, I had plans already. I was barely left with few hours to siap-ing and meet up my mum as planned. Time check : 9 am. But me being me, after much time calculation (which i failed badly), i decided to accompany her. So off i went to fetch her at my aunt's house.
Reaching there,she wanted to go to the money changer. I suggested her to go near Sheng Siong. Ehhh, dier taknak. Want to know what she said "taknak lah kak, kite gi kat atas siket. Lebih 20posen." FREAKING 20cents more i tell you. SANGGOPPPPPPPP!! geram aje, naseb aku sayang nenek aku nieh.
Then we headed to Sheng Siong.
Eiyerrrr aunty ur butt....
Then i rush to meet up my dearest dearest mummy (mama i heart yu very much) who have been waiting for my for past 1 hour. See i tell you, i'm really bad with time. And hokay, let me spill out the beans. I audition myself for Kids Central host. Yes. Tak bedek. And let me tell yu the the crowd very UNEXPECTED. omg omg omg. There were alot of host wannabe. And guess what, after long of queing, due to the overwhelming response, my audition have to be poseponed to tomorrow. I take it a blessing in disguise. Looking at the script given, nampaknye tak tidolah aku malam nie. So Enah, my dear fren, pls make yurself free hokay before we head down for a movie ok ok. Heee....
Look i shall not eleborate more for now. bye

I get excited whenever i want to blog. But the moment my fingers hit the keyboard,my mind start to go blank and i keep on thinking of what to blog about. It come across to me how bloggers blog as long as it is. I mean, reading their blog, they don't seem to have any problem blogging. Unlike me. Sheesh. I get inspired reading their blog, and thus i too want to blog.
Well anyway....
I went for my volunteering at MINDS today. It was UBER uber fun!! Working with mentally disabled people is sure mind and physical challenging but at the end of the day, it's all worth it. They can be a pain, i tell you. But sometimes looking at their funny antics, reminds and motivates me the reason why i want to work with them. They brought smiles on my face.
Something random. One of my friends asked me why i decided to put butter-terbang as my url. Firstly, i love butterflies. I have no reason as why i label as terbang instead of flies. Unique maybe? bahh. But anyway, how it came about is simply because i had a tattoo of a not-yet-done butterfly. UGLY one. And i am not proud of it. In fact, I don't go around showing, its unflattering i tell you. AND yes, i sometimes even don't feel like i own a tattoo at all. Speaking of which, i decided to laser it off. I don't regret having a tattoo. It was a reminder of my rebellion past. Howells.
EH I JUST REMEMBERED!..OK nevermind i'll keep it to myself first.
P/s : I'm looking forward for this Sunday. She said that we will meet up this coming for a movie treat. Im waiting hokayyy..
Well anyway....
I went for my volunteering at MINDS today. It was UBER uber fun!! Working with mentally disabled people is sure mind and physical challenging but at the end of the day, it's all worth it. They can be a pain, i tell you. But sometimes looking at their funny antics, reminds and motivates me the reason why i want to work with them. They brought smiles on my face.
Something random. One of my friends asked me why i decided to put butter-terbang as my url. Firstly, i love butterflies. I have no reason as why i label as terbang instead of flies. Unique maybe? bahh. But anyway, how it came about is simply because i had a tattoo of a not-yet-done butterfly. UGLY one. And i am not proud of it. In fact, I don't go around showing, its unflattering i tell you. AND yes, i sometimes even don't feel like i own a tattoo at all. Speaking of which, i decided to laser it off. I don't regret having a tattoo. It was a reminder of my rebellion past. Howells.
EH I JUST REMEMBERED!..OK nevermind i'll keep it to myself first.
P/s : I'm looking forward for this Sunday. She said that we will meet up this coming for a movie treat. Im waiting hokayyy..
What's up with Britney?

Have you guys heard of the latest buzz? Britney shaved her head. Not that it is suprising.Shaving is nothing as to compare "flaunting" herself by going commando. But what struck me was, why and what made her shave her head. Then again, i wount have blamed here making such stunt. Look at her life. Its corrupted. Paparazzi made it worse. Give her a life. SHE NEEDS HER OWN PRIVACY. Save the publicity stunt. She doesnt need that. I believe she shaved her head because she felt overwhelmed by her surrounding. She quoted " I want people to stop touching me". Read: Get off my LIFE! My mum always tells me if my life is suay, cut my hair. So my guess is that maybe she wants to start anew ? Afterall she just divorce K-fed. I totally dig it.
Thank yu!

TODAY is my birthday. Funny i felt like it was another day.I never received any cakes but i am contented.I personally think that i don't have to make a bashfull out of my birthday.I think the most important part is to finally make a point to find my own identity.im truly thankful to friends and family who wished. Thank yu. The most suprising was from BOBBY. yes yu heard me right. CHEF BOB. Thank you. YU were the last person i expected to get a call from. THANK YOU!
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