Have you guys heard of the latest buzz? Britney shaved her head. Not that it is suprising.Shaving is nothing as to compare "flaunting" herself by going commando. But what struck me was, why and what made her shave her head. Then again, i wount have blamed here making such stunt. Look at her life. Its corrupted. Paparazzi made it worse. Give her a life. SHE NEEDS HER OWN PRIVACY. Save the publicity stunt. She doesnt need that. I believe she shaved her head because she felt overwhelmed by her surrounding. She quoted " I want people to stop touching me". Read: Get off my LIFE! My mum always tells me if my life is suay, cut my hair. So my guess is that maybe she wants to start anew ? Afterall she just divorce K-fed. I totally dig it.
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