When two person sit down and talk? What do they commonly talk about?
None other then.....
Life and Love.
yet the most interesting topic to talk about.
Especially love. Love.
What is love? Love is any of a number of emotion and experiences related to a sense of strong affection. Love for family, love for friends, love for god..ect. But what kind of love affects us most? The one which suddenly make us a totally different person, which bring both positive and negative aura all at one go?Which makes our blood aderaline rush,butterfly in the stomach?
Well ladies and gentleman, we all know the answer. Regardless of our orientation, the deep, ineffable feeling of tenderly caring for another person is the most powerfull yet dangerous at one go.
They say love is blind.
I beg to differ. I was sharing with Barney, with the past experience, I came with my own quote.
"Love my friend, is not blind. It is us, who is blinded by the true meaning of love"
It's because that we fail to see the flaws of our partner, that we willingly become the victim of love. We constantly forgive the partner, in hope he/she will change for the better. See, how love desroy you. Ironically, yet, we still yearn for the affection of love.
My past post, as mentioned. I have fall in and out of love. I went thru some bitter experience and since then, never had i wanted to fall into one again. Yet, at the same time, i wallow in self pity, wanting to feel over again what love is all about.
My mum, shared her perspective on love, and afterwhich, i pondered and even made me determined that i should just chuck it aside, at this moment of time.
I was wailing and crying so hard, when she was so sickly. That i thought of the worse that she would leave my family anytime soon. She's the one who had cancer, and im the one acting like i had one.
With her calm and suave attitude, what my mum said hit me real hard.
"Kakak, human love is temporary, never lasting. Never yearn for it. Never hope for it. It is god's love which is everlasting. To him we come, to him we go. Why search, yearn and depend on human's love when it doesnt last? Why search so far, when god's love lies in your heart?"
With that, she smiled and wiped my tears.