
Hey you,

yes you. good morning. Its 1.17 now in the morning and this is my 2nd post for the day. I was actually sleeping just now when i suddenly woke up followed by series of scratching. Don't ask me why. AND no, my bed does'nt have any bed fleas. I was cursing and swearing cause when i looked at the time it was just past midnite!! I cannot get back to sleep once i am awake, so i am thankful that i have internet connection and SCV to keep me going. I was blog-hopping as per usual when i came across this lady's blog. I somehow recognise her thru this website anakmelayu. You know back then, one time, suddenly they have clans and alliances coming up and i dutifully kononnye want to be a part of it. Someone from the net i got aquaintted with intived me to join her clan which was GIMY ( which later only remained bout 4 people only, I THINK).So thats how i recognise her lah. But that's not my drift you know. What i'm going to share is my sentiments towards what she's going thru somebody. Sorry love, if i never got the whole story correct. But assuming from what you wrote on your blog, you must be very heart broken.

Now Eqa, it is sad enough for me to read your blog about you ranting that you love him, and he on the other hand does'nt love you back. How could he have done that? Dahling, don't blame yourself for whatever had happen. Never. Look at you! You are a beautiful babe. Think of it this way, its HIS lost!not YOUR lost hokay. Right now it seems to me that he have the control over you. Because he knew that you are still not over him, he is somehow taking advantage of the situation. Generally guys feel good about themself when someone actually would do anything for them.

Which then, gave me the vast impression of how heartless a guy can me. Eqa is not just one example i'm relating too. Look at my gf, Enah, she went thru a series of heartbreak before meeting her love. Nani, even is going thru a turmoil because of love. DO you guys have feelings in the first place?? Can't you spare us girls the complexity of love? You know, there were occasion of time when Enah would coyly say, "Eh if like tis hor, alamat jadi anak dara tua lah" She might say it for fun sake, but deep down, there are the fears that she went thru before. I, too, have been thru such situation. God, i shall not eloborate what happen.

Disclaimer: It may create some unwanted dispute, but i meant no harm. This is purely my own personal view, so save your dissing!

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