
I found this skin by chance i have the urge to change my blogskin. Lovely is'nt it. White and just cheery. Unlike my last skin (as if i had many!heh), it seems so black and gloomy. Well, i am still adjusting to the new skin that i just had to keep on looking at it for a zillionth time. Talk about paranoia! or was it kiasu? haha

Anyway,i came back home from work feeling so motivated. Motivated to exercise. Oh man, one of semangat 2 minute is up again. If Enah and Masline read this, they must have the same thought i guess.Haha. Because whenever i meet up with the both of them, i go, "eh i want to exercise lah!" "eh i should start to exercise". There was even a time when i bought this bellydancing cd for me to start off, but hey, aku ke mana, cd tu ke mana!
But i many many reason for me to start dieting and exercising. When i met the girls last Sunday, I felt fat! Yes i did! In fact the truth was I am fat. Imagine the akwardness i felt (though i cleverly never show)!! If you look at the pictures i posted, don't you think that the smiles look fake? Not that i din't want to smile, but fact was,the whole time i was talking and asking myself, do i look good among them? my my look at what i have done to myself. But then again, i take this reason, to futher motivate me to look good for myself. After all i am single. Single people have to look good right?.... NOT! Confidence Nadya! Confidence! Where have your confidence gone? OH nOooooooo..

No offence girls, i am not jealous, but just full of envy. Envy that you guys have the confidence to strut it off. I lost my confidence oredi. Dunno where it has gone. Now, now, it's time to find it back is'nt it.

So nadya.

Semoga maju jaya eh!

Heh heh heh

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