Wanna know where i got the title from? Suria Segar. I was watching it when there was a segment on tour destination. They interviewed this tour agent, blah blah blah, and solemnly he said " Singaporean nowdays likes to shop shop till they jatuh" I mean, how bad can his singlish be? Bi-lingual? NOT! I chuckle to myself watching him trying his level best to converse in malay which he hopefully failed. Lol
Anyway, I enjoyed myself going to Bugis with Zimah and Niza. I had fun being Zimah's fashion advisor. She had trouble deciding to buy stuff. Oh well, i succeed to persuade her buying a top for herself. Afterall, one have to look good doesnt she?

Charlie angle tak jadi

Time to act cute. Cute. I know

Oh zimah. She sure had a hard time deciding.

This aunty dutifully posed a peace sign for me. Super sporting

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